Every first Monday of the month Respect Life Ministry hosts a Fellowship Night open to all prolife parishioners, 6pm-7:30pm SAH. We will feed you both a meal and information about the many topics that fall under Respect Life Ministry.
**Respect Life Ministry Fellowship is open to all ***
This month, February 6th, 6pm-7:30pm SAH, Respect Life Ministry invites you for a meal to feed your tummy and a special guest Speaker to feed your curiosity about some aspect of Respect Life Ministry. With 40 Days for Life spring campaign beginning on Ash Wednesday and the year round Catholic prayer vigils, we decided to invite a sidewalk counselor.
Amy Bigham will give her testimony of how she believes God called her to sidewalk counseling ministry.
Amy is sidewalk counselor for A Moment of Hope (AMOH). AMOH is a full time Christian ministry that offers women help and free ultrasounds outside of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Columbia.
What is it like to be a sidewalk counselor? Do women ever stop to talk to them? And how is it that Amy was called to this ministry?
An rsvp is appreciated, but not required for food planning purposes. Contact Deacon Greg and Maureen respectlife@ollchapin.org or 803-9320-6032