Parish Mission
We are a welcoming Catholic community, making God visible through the sacraments, faith-formation and service.
Parish Vision
We strive to Know, Love and Serve the Lord.
Parish Values
We value Faith, Worship and Love.
The Adoration Chapel is open!
Please call the parish office or ask any staff member for the code to enter the chapel. Our goal is to have 24 hour Perpetual Adoration at Our Lady of the Lake. If you would like to help us achieve this goal please click on the link ADORATION PRO above to sign up for the times you are willing to commit to regular daily, weekly or monthly Adoration. Thank you! The First Friday Adoration link is explained below. This is just for First Friday.
Saturday Vigil Mass: | 5:00PM |
Sunday Masses: | 8:00am "Low Mass" (No Music), 10:30am*, 5:00pm**, & 1:00pm. (**Summer Mass Schedule begins the 2nd Sunday in May after the last Faith Formation Class and ends after Labor Day. During this period, there will be NO 5:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Mass, (LIFE TEEN MASS). The Sunday LIFE TEEN MASS at 5:00 p.m. returns the weekend after LABOR DAY. |
Daily Mass: | Tuesday - Friday 12:00 noon |
Reconciliation: | 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Saturdays, or by appointment (843.834.5447). |
**Adoration: | GOOD NEWS! The Adoration Chapel is open. The Entrance Code is the same as it was before. If you need it, please contact the Parish Office. The Chapel is available 24 hours a day, 363 days a year. |
First Fridays: | Adoration in Chapel from 1-7pm; Benediction at 7pm (See Above Link) Confession 10:00-11:30 am, Mass at 12 noon (Ad Orientem) |
First Saturdays: | 10:00 am - 12:00 noon (Adoration in Nave) fro |
Devotions | 7:00 pm Fridays Stations of the Cross during Lent |
HOLY DAYS | 6:30 pm or Vigil Mass at 6:30 pm (the night before) (Check Bulletin for any last minutes changes to Mass Schedule) |
(May be returned to Parish Office, M-F, 9-1pm,
dropped in Offertory Basket at Mass or emailed to Mrs. Vicky Shealy,
Please register your children (K-4 through 12th) for Faith Formation. Click on link for 2024-2025 REGISTRATION FORM. You can fill out and email it back to Stella (formation.assistant@
The Chapin Clinic provides free basic medical services for those in need.
Click here for Good Samaritan Clinic Flyer
Respect Life Ministry
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
OLL New Church Building Design
Protocols for Communion
Adoration Chapel
Click Here for the Document
OLL NEWS ![]() Reservations required Pay in advance to secure spot $40 per couple/$20 per person Call or text: John Stockdell (803) 727-6860 or Mike Bozzo (803) 543-0193 Seating is limited to 120 Don’t Forget to Bring a Dessert to Share!
Pope Francis declared the Jubilee of Hope on 9 May, 2024. He invites all the faithful to be Pilgrims of Hope during this Jubilee Year. You can learn more about being a Pilgrim of Hope at the USCCBWebsite. “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5) The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Click on "Ministries" Tab at top of website page and select "Faith Formation" to find Registration Forms, Calendars, etc. All registered parish households were mailed a letter from Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS with a Catholic Appeal of South Carolina (CASC), formerly the Bishops Annual Appeal, a brochure and pledge card. Pledges may be returned to the Office of Stewardship and Mission Advancement using the envelope included in the mailing or brought to Mass and put in the Offertory Basket in the Narthex. If missed the 2025 CASC video, click on the link below to watch a message from Please take five minutes to watch the CASC video to learn more about it. You will see and hear about the wonderful programs and ministries that benefit from funding through this Appeal. Father Dennis has encouraged us to join him in offering a sacrificial gift. Together as a parish community, let us respond and do our part. OUR BISHOP God, eternal shepherd, you tend your Church in any ways and rule us with love. You have chosen your servant, Jacques, to be a shepherd of your flock. Give him a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care, may he build your Church as a sign of salvation for the world. Amen. |